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Green Tea leaf

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Green tea improves skin elasticity, helps improve skin tone and to unify and normalizing greasy hair...


INCI: Camellia sinensis leaf

CAS Nº: 84650-60-2 
EC Nº: 283-519-7 



Ingredientes: 100% GREEN TEA leaf  

Green tea contains a variety of compounds such as polyphenols (catechins), flavonoids, and caffeine (or protein). The amount of these compounds are directly related to the amount of antioxidants and benefits provided us tea and tea in bags will have far fewer compounds than a loose tea made by hand. It is proved that the tea bags only takes antioxidants and is also harmful to health because of the amount of fluoride leads.

Green tea contains other components also beneficial for our skin as:

- Water and salts: The leaves contain between 5 and 6% of water and between 4 and 7% of mineral salts, especially potassium and manganese.
- Organic acids: Other minor compounds that are also found in tea are organic acids such as malic, succinic, oxalic and galoquínico, even a small percentage of lipids.
- Carbohydrate compounds: Tea contains inositol, reducing sugars, gums and pectins.
- Polyphenols: The tea is known for its content of polyphenolic compounds (3%) who are responsible for their therapeutic activity and its antioxidant power. Polyphenols decrease with plant age and harvest time, for plants of the same age, it is lower in spring and higher in August and September. Among other benefits, tea polyphenols would be good for the brain, delaying the onset of degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's.
- Alkaloids: alkaloids tea (2-4%) are perhaps the best known components. It is purine derivatives, known more commonly as 'xanthine bases', the most abundant are caffeine and theophylline.
- Vitamins and enzymes: Finally, tea also contains vitamins and enzymes.
- Polyphenols in green tea are of three types: flavonoids, catechins and tannins or catechols:
* Flavonoids: Among tea flavonoids, the most important are the kemferol, quercetin (quercetin) and miricetol. In addition to providing antioxidant properties of tea flavonoids protect against cardiovascular disease.
* Catechins: The catechols or catechins are more abundant in green tea, black tea in and fresh plant. The most active are catechol, epicatecol and their esters with gallic acid. Tea catechins are responsible for its anti-cancer effects.* Tannins: The tea also contains condensed tannins Catechists (8-25%). Tannins are astringent properties relate tea, useful both to treat diarrhea, as, for example, wound healing. However, given that interfere with the absorption of iron, they can sometimes aggravate anemia boxes.

Benefits of green tea on the skin:
• It improves skin elasticity
• Helps improve skin tone and unify
• protective action against skin damage caused by UV radiation
• anti-inflammatory and decongestant so it will be very effective for people suffering from eye bags.
• Protector Skin: For its polyphenol content, applied directly, you can not only help prevent skin cancer, but also can help tan and protect the skin against damage from the sun.
• Normalizing of oily hair: Thanks to its tannin content, has an astringent effect that normalizes oily hair.


Additional product information

FT-Te_Verde_hoja.pdf AN-Te_Verde_hoja_240826_082026.pdf
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Camellia sinensis leaf 100%