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Glycolic Acid pure

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Derived from sugar cane, glycolic acid is considered a natural product. Often it is classified with products...

Glycolic Acid

INCI: Glycolic acid

Belonging to the family of Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA), glycolic acid is an extremely versatile compound which, thanks to its properties, used to treat various skin problems such as blemishes, wrinkles or acne.

It is a small organic molecule, consisting of two carbon atoms, four hydrogen atoms and three oxygen. Its molecular weight is 76.05 g / mol and is about 25% more dense than water. It is colorless, odorless, solid at room temperature. It is highly soluble in water and even reaches absorb air. This property Glycolic acid crystals cause if left exposed to the environment.

Derived from sugar cane, glycolic acid is considered a natural product. Often it is classified with products such as citric acid (extracted from fruits like oranges and lemons). Its properties make it an excellent exfoliant and natural moisturizer, so many beauty product companies have begun to include among its active ingredients. It serves to penetrate deep into the skin and helps loosen layers of dead cells that accumulate on the surface, significantly improving the appearance and texture.

Among his most notable properties as beauty product include:
• Helps maintain collagen strength: Its nutrients and proteins give way to new skin cells are generated.
• Stimulates blood circulation: It oxygenates the cells and promotes regeneration.
• Hormonal Properties: Provides firmness to the skin, removing dead cells and reducing the time of growth of new.
• Prevents congestion of toxins.
• Controls oil production: Its application decreases the impurities of the skin.
• Bactericidal: Glycolic acid neutralizes unwanted bacteria that cause skin blemishes.
• Eliminates dead cells: It helps loosen the fine scales of dead cells. This 'micropeeling' gives the facial skin a youthful and vigorous appearance.
• desinflamatorio: Helps soothe irritated or damaged skin.

Synonyms: hydroxyacetic acid. hydroxyethanoic acid.

Physical-Chemical Data:
crystalline powder or translucent, colorless, hygroscopic crystals. Soluble in water and in ethanol. Melting point: 74-78 ° C.

- Up to 10% as a moisturizer, acne, actinic keratosis, ichthyosis, hipercromías, and to reduce fine wrinkles and expression lines in cosmetics.
-at 15 to 25% as a mild keratolytic.
-at 30-70% in peeling treatments.

Side effects: irritation and edematous skin reactions, especially at high doses and in times of high contact may occur. If so, discontinue treatment immediately. hyperpigmentation, increased susceptibility to herpes simplex may also appear, and occasionally you can leave hypertrophic scars.

Precautions: Handle with care. It is advisable to apply formulations with glycolic acid, especially if they are at high concentrations, under the control of dermatologist. Do not apply in cases of sensitive skin. Do not apply to eyes and mucous membranes.

• It is recommended to start with the minimum levels since the beginning of their use can irritate the skin, irritation now disappearing as it is using, which will gradually increase the concentration.
• It is also recommended to use protective products after use, since when refining the surface layer of the skin that is most exposed to climatic factors, especially ultraviolet rallos

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