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Dead Sea salts

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Dead Sea salt has purifying and relaxing properties. They can be used as simply as bath salts.

Dead Sea salt

INCI: Maris Sal


CAS # 7647-14-5  EC # 231-598-3 

Dead Sea salt has purifying and relaxing properties. They can be used as simply as bath salts.

A cosmetic level may be used by a "gomage" with the refined salt mixed with vegetable oil pressure resulting 1 exfoliating and regenerating skin. The oil used can be of jojoba and / or almonds, being able to add some soft essential oil such as lavender or geranium vera.

A dermatologic level have been employed in skin disorders, psoriasis, eczema vitiligo, atopic dermatitis, etc.

In circulatory disorders, asthma, bone and joint disorders use is also advocated by specialists in balneotherapy

250g put salt in warm bath and remains in the bath for about 20 minutes, exit and wait a while before clearing. You can make a weekly bath.

Additional product information

FS-sal_del_mar_muerto.pdf FT-SaldeMarMuerto.pdf AN-SaldelMarMuerto_4850816020_092024.pdf
100 grs