CAS No: 515-69-5
No EINECS / ELINCS: 208-205-9
IUPAC designation: (R *, R *) - α, 4-dimethyl-α- (4-methyl-3-pentenyl) cyclohex-3-ene-1-methanol
Function: Calming
DESCRIPTION: Viscous liquid, colorless to weakly yellowish.
Physical and Chemical Data: Viscous liquid, colorless to yellowish.
Solubility: Practically insoluble in water, soluble in ethanol.
Density: 0.922-0.928 g / ml.
Refractive index: 1.4920 - 1.4980.
Molecular Weight: 222.36
Properties and uses:
It is an unsaturated monocyclic sesquiterpene alcohol with anti-inflammatory effect found naturally in chamomile. Apart from the main anti-inflammatory action it also has a calming, healing, and bactericidal effect (inhibits the growth of Gram + bacteria even at low concentrations). It is used primarily in cosmetic and cosmetic products for the skin. Levomenol (alpha-bisabolol levo form) has been tried as a reinforcer of transepidermal penetration and is found in many emollient preparations.
It is especially used in treatments for sensitive skin, including aftershave care. The list of properties is long: softening, healing, soothing, anti-inflammatory, protective, desensitizing, also protects the skin from aging caused by stress.
The active ingredient is alpha-bisabolol (Matricaria chamomilla and Matricaria recutita L.).
Dosage: Topical route, 0.1-2% in creams, gels, and lotions.
Remarks: It is thermolabile (from 100 ºC) and photosensitive.
Storage: In tightly closed containers. PROTECT FROM THE LIGHT.